Public Art Projects | Residents | City of Huntington


Designated Sites

Location Info

Enola Gay

May 15, 2019 - September 30, 2019

The Mayor’s Council on the Arts has adopted a public art policy and master plan which can be found at this link Public Art Policy. The purpose of the policy is to encourage the display of public art on city-owned property and to set forth appropriate guidelines and an application process for exhibitions and installations.

Public Art Concept Paper

Public Arts Application

Public Arts Photo Gallery

Members of the Public Art Subcommittee

History Membership of the Mayor’s Council of the Arts

In the fall of 2014, Mayor Steve Williams undertook the formation of a Council on the Arts for the City of Huntington. This Council was the natural outgrowth of two highly successful arts summits held in Huntington in prior years. The Council served to solidify the importance of the arts to the City of Huntington and the value placed upon them by Mayor Williams administration.

The vision of the Council is to develop and grow an environment where the arts permeate and enhance every aspect of the lives of its citizens and are a part of all planning, strategic decision-making and governance. The Council works to foster innovation in constructed environments, education, government, wellness, business and nonprofits; and to define, express, drive and celebrate our unique culture and experience.

The Mayor’s Council on the Arts invites all artists to be a part of the vibrant fabric of our community and to submit concepts for public art installations through the Council. Please review the application process on the City of Huntington's Public Art Application.