West End Revitalization
14th Street West
The 14th Street West project is one of the components of the Huntington Innovation Project or HIP Plan which won the $3 million grand prize in the national America’s Best Community competition. The winnings were awarded to the Foundation for the Tri-State Community as steward of the funds which are designated only for the HIP Plan projects. The ABC funds will be used to leverage other dollars to carry out this and the other HIP projects. To date, over $1.8 Million additional dollars have been leveraged for this project.
The 14th Street West project is an effort to revitalize the West End of Huntington and the Old Central City Business District by working through a multi-stakeholder group of residents, businesses, government agencies and organizations. The vision encompasses the creation of an arts and culture district, community and economic development and a tourism economy.
Key initiatives include the following:
- Creation of a master revitalization plan for the West End
- Creation of a Main Street America program focused on the West Huntington neighborhood main street and 14th Street West
- Utilizing the concepts of creative placemaking to revitalize 14th Street West by building on the existing Old Central City Antique District, expanding public art, providing support for entrepreneurs and establishing an arts and culture district
- Expanding production and community access to local food by building on the existing assets of The Wild Ramp and the Central City Market
- Adaptive reuse or redevelopment of existing vacant or underutilized industrial property
- Developing a supportive system for entrepreneurs interested in starting a business in the West End
- Increasing recreation and community spaces connected through the Paul Ambrose Trail for Health (PATH) and existing parks
- Advancing both small and large infrastructure development
- On Trac Program completed and report delivered
- Award of a National Endowment for the Arts Our Town grant which is almost completed working with experienced consultants
- 14th Street West Streetscape improvements and creative placemaking activities
- Developing funding for a historic assessment in preparation for applying for historic district status which will allow the use of historic tax credits
- 4 new businesses started since 2017 ABC award
- Acquisition of 610-618 14th Street West property which will house a history museum and artisan demonstrations along with antique dealers and offices for the arts and culture district
- Numerous 14th Street West festivals and events including Winter ArtsFest
- Bad buildings survey completed and online survey app developed
- Awarded a Love Your Block grant
- Hired two Vista workers
- Awarded Rural Economic Development Innovation for technical assistance to establish a creative economic development plan
- 2 murals completed
- Gazebo upgrades phased and begun
- A new vision and master plan for 14th Street West, The 14STW District Plan, was released to the public which seeks to tie Old Central City to Heritage Farm Museum and Village and West Edge Factory, Coalfield Development’s Westmoreland facility.
- Hired an Executive Director of RenewAll, Inc. with the goal to institutionalize the revitalization efforts that volunteers have led for decades; to increase the viability of business on 14th Street West with public and private infrastructure improvements, and to attract investments in commercial buildings and housing in the West Huntington Neighborhood to improve the quality of life in the city of Huntington.
- Love Your Block closed its second year of mini-grants with a dozen projects which were mainly small home repairs in the neighborhood as well as community play space at Jefferson Avenue.
- New street flags will be installed
- Received grants for gazebo improvements
WestEdge Factory

The WestEdge Factory is a 96,000 square foot abandoned clothing factory located in Westmoreland neighborhood of Huntington. It was purchased in 2014 by Coalfield Development Corporation to house its many operations that hire and train unemployed people. Coalfield incubates and grows a family of social enterprises in economic fields it believes have the potential to diversify the regional economy and create good jobs. Chosen fields need to have triple-bottom- line value (people, planet, profit). Current enterprises include: deconstruction of buildings; construction; woodworking; upcycling materials reclaimed from deconstruction jobs; urban agriculture; solar energy training; WECAN Business Support Center; and wholesale and retail sales of reclaimed woods and architectural salvage.

Each enterprise has a president who is the entrepreneur responsible for its success and is staffed by work crews according to the 33-6- 3 model. As a result, these new economic fields, the entrepreneurs pioneering them, the crew members working within them and the region hosting them can develop toward full potential. Individuals in the training program are hired onto work crews that staff the Coalfield’s social enterprises. Each week, crewmembers complete 33 hours of paid work, 6 credit hours of higher education and 3 hours of personal development mentorship. At the end of a two-year contract, crew members have gained invaluable work experience and work skills, earned an associate degree and gained clarity on life goals, as well as personal assets to attain those goals.
To date, over 6 million dollars has been raised from a variety of federal sources such as the EDA, USDA, and the ARC, national foundations and corporations, loans and local philanthropy for these initiatives.
The WestEdge Factory encompasses the following initiatives, all of which are catalytic in nature:
- A major remodeling and restoration of the abandoned factory including both exterior and interior renovation, complete reworking of electric, plumbing and HVAC for the facility, a new roof, creative of specifically designed spaces for each social enterprise, construction of live/work studios for artisans, community space, a blackbox theater, a parking lot and landscaping.
- Establishment of dedicated, well-designed and conditioned spaces as homes for each of the social enterprises.
- Develop a work team of Westmoreland residents and businesses to engage in long term planning for the area
- Reduction of crime and increase in property values in the Westmoreland neighborhood
- Creation of paying jobs for trainees and enterprise presidents.
- Development of a trained workforce with associates degrees.
14th Street West
- Gazebo Project approved and ready for construction
- Housing Study Grant Awarded to the West End
- OVP Health Purchases former Colonial Lanes property
- Groundbreaking for new Senior and Wellness Center
- Build Back Better Grant awarded to the ACT Coalition
- 31st Old Central City Days Street Festival held in June
- Senior Wellness Center project under contract for design
- 14th Street West given Asphalt Art Project Grant
- New edition to 14th Street West- The Peddlers Mall
- $50,000 Gazebo Grant awarded to 14th Street West
- New website launched for Central City Business District
- 14th Street West Streetscape Improvements and Creative Placemaking
- Plans approved for a new Senior and Wellness Center
- A new vision and master plan for 14th Street West
- Love Your Block
- 14th Street West Plan
- Travel to Old Central City
- Annual festival puts spotlight on evolution of West End neighborhood
- Huntington is a winner in 'Love Your Block' competition
- Huntington planner has active role in community development, revitalization
- Old Central City Days 2018
- Old Central City Days Wrap Up
- Old Central City Videos
- Annual festival puts spotlight on evolution of West End neighborhood
- New book store and coffee shop opens in Old Central City
- Huntington Council Approves Land Bank Alterations, Moves Forward on MU use of A.D. Lewis Field
- Accepted into On Track program with the Main Street America movement to promote new business development
- Receive federal and state historic tax credits when renovationg one of Huntington's many historic buildings
- Main Street America Program focusing on West Huntington and working on the development of an arts and culture district
- Gazebo construction plans completed and phased implementation to begin soon
- Continuing beautification and public arts projects
WestEdge Factory
- Coalfield Development awarded funds from the Build Back Better Plan
- Coalfield Development receives $185,000 grant from WV American Water
- “Said Owners, Said Lots” exhibition is now on display at the Turret Gallery
- Community workshops now taking place at the WestEdge Factory
- Coalfield Development Corp. given Susan S. Landis Distinguished Service to the Arts Award
- Black Box Theater Construction begins at WestEdge Factory
- The sustainable agriculture team has partnered with the Wild Ramp as a new lease tenant for cold storage, food handling, and administrative space
- Coalfield Development Corp. working to end coal country’s cycle of poverty
- New business center will open at West Edge Factory
- We urgently need to find a replacement for King Coal's disappearing jobs
- Chamber endorses Coalfield Development curriculum
- A National Endowment of the Arts “Our Town” grant has been submitted to build upon planning and design work achieved with Heritage Farm’s West 14th NEA grant and help build support for the artist studios and black box theater. Funds would help support the first two artists-in-residence.
- Received $100,000 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) “Our Town” grant that will fund the artist studios and black box theater.
- Launched Mountain Mindful, a new social enterprise, which results in products made out of reclaimed and recycled materials.
- Began construction on new offices at the Black Diamond location.
- 65% occupancy has now been achieved
- Complete renovation of the exterior for the facility has been achieved
- Two artist studios complete with tenants
- Preparing event space with tables and chairs along with exterior signage and awnings to mark public entrances
- Updating marking and signage for ADA accessibility to the finished areas of the building
- Comprehensive IT infrastructure upgrades are under way to provide broadband internet and WiFi access to the entire property
- Full interior build-out is still underway for theatre space and artist studios
Ten artists have used WestEdge as a virtual stage for live-music streaming and music-video production and found acoustics to be excellent in addition to the unique and aesthetically interesting space.
The Black Diamond property cleanup is underway with the removal of cement and soil and the addition of monitoring wells. Environmental testing is complete and coordination of architecture planning and work on office building is under way.