City Launches Demolition Blitz to Eliminate Unsafe Building List by June 30, 2021
Mayor Williams joined city officials October 26 in the 900 block of 27th Street to announce another large demolition blitz.
In 2017, there were more than 400 structures on the City’s unsafe building list. In 2019, the City launched Project BANE (Blight and Nuisance Elimination). The project resulted in the demolition of 104 unsafe structures and left approximately 100 structures on the list.
There are currently 119 structures on the unsafe building list. Mayor Williams announced that the goal of the new demolition blitz is to have no structures on the list by the end of the current fiscal year, which is June 30, 2021.
The demolition work began October 26 in the Fairfield East neighborhood, where there are 21 unsafe structures that will be demolished during the next several weeks.