The City of Huntington seeks candidates for Revenue Service Representative. This is accounting and clerical work in the maintenance and review of all forms of revenue, and involving application of basic office principles and practices in the collection and receipting of a variety of monies and payments within the Finance Division. Click here for more information. Applications will be received through the close of business on Wednesday, April 9, 2025.
The City also seeks candidates for its Public Works applicant pool. Applications will be received during the month of March 2025. NOTE: Currently, there is only 1 vacant position, Truck Driver in the Trash Division, which requires a valid CDL. For all future openings, the City will fill those job vacancies from among candidates in the PW applicant pool. Click here for more information.
Click here for the online application. Note: The City only accepts applications for open positions. Please do not use online application for jobs not listed on this page.
Civil service positions: For information about any civil service position in Fire or Police, please contact the City Clerk's Office in room 135 of City Hall, or by calling 304-696-5540.