The Huntington Human Relations Commission, which was originally established by City Council in 1972, has been re-energized with 11 new commissioners and a staff appointed by the Mayor. It is still this agency’s policy to enforce the Huntington Human Relations Act, as amended (read the article here). The Commission strives to eliminate all discrimination in the City of Huntington in employment and places of public accommodations based on a person’s race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age (40 and above), blindness, disability or veteran status. The Commission also strives to eliminate all discrimination within city limits in the sale, purchase, lease, rental or financing of housing and other real property based on race, religion color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age(40 and above), blindness, disability or familial status (children under 18).
The Commission receives, investigates, and resolves discrimination complaints through voluntary settlements between parties, dismissals or adjudication. The agency also participates in educational and outreach events to better inform the public of their responsibilities and rights under this law.
Click here to fill out a preliminary discrimination complaint form
David N. Harris
Allyson Layman
Omar Dirar Ahmad
Dr. Timothy M. Melvin
John R. Montgomery
Kelli Johnson
Elisha J. Hassan
Carole Boster
Jack Daniels
The Huntington Human Relations Commission meets at 2:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in City Council chambers at City Hall.
City Hall, Room L28
P.O. Box 1659, Huntington, WV 25717-1659
Phone: 304.696.5540 Ext. 2014
Staff: Marshall P. Moss, Executive Director