A Certificate of Occupancy is required before any new building can be occupied or an existing building can be used for a new purpose. This applies whenever a new business goes into an existing or new structure or there is a change of business owner.
Certificate of Occupancy Application
1. Contact or meet with a representative in the Planning and Zoning office to check the zone, discuss signage, and complete the Certificate of Occupancy application.
- Department: Planning and Zoning
- Phone: 304.696.5540 opt 3
- Email: planningdept@huntingtonwv.gov
- Location: City Hall, Main Floor, Room 100
2. The Certificate of Occupancy application will be delivered to the Permit Technician for processing.
- Department: Public Works | Permit Technician: Kim Estep
- Phone: (304) 696-5540 ext. 2003
- Email: estepk@huntingtonwv.gov
3. Payment for Certificate of Occupancy in Business and Licensing.
- The cost of the Certificate of Occupancy permit is $75.00.
- Payment:
- In-person at City Hall in Room 103, 800 5th Avenue, Huntington, WV 25701, and pay via cash or check or Visa, Discover, or MasterCard. Please note that an additional 3.75% (minimum of $2.50) service fee will be applied to all credit card transactions.
- By mail to City of Huntington Certificate of Occupancy PO Box 1659, Huntington, WV 25717 and pay via check. Make checks payable to "City of Huntington".
4. Schedule for Certificate of Occupancy Inspection.
- Schedule Inspection Appointment: Call 304.696.5540 ext. 2003 or estepk@huntingtonwv.gov or City Hall, Main Floor, Room 100
- The Inspectors will inspect the building per IBC 2018, IPC 2018, NEC 2020, and Fire and Life Safety NFPA1-21 ed
- Location: City Hall, Lower Level, Room 5
- Building Inspector: Todd Darst (304) 696-5540 ext. 2205 | darstt@huntingtonwv.gov
- Electrical Inspector: Joey Black (304) 696-5540 ext. 2206 | blackl@huntingtonwv.gov
- Plumbing Inspector: Chris Johnson (304) 696-5540 ext. 220 | johnsonc@huntingtonwv.gov
- Fire Marshal: Alan Roby (304) 696-5950 | robya@huntingtonwv,gov
5. Upon completion of the inspections, a representative from Business and Licensing will contact you to pick up your Certificate of Occupancy.
- B&O and Licensing Specialist: Becky Bartlett
- Phone: 304.696.5540 ext. 2314
- Email: bartlettb@huntingtonwv.gov
- Location: City Hall, Main Floor, Room 103
6. After you have received your Certificate of Occupancy, you may apply for your Huntington Business License. You must bring your WV Business Registration Certificate (other documents may be required).
7. You can open for business once you have obtained a Huntington Business License.