Handyman | Building Permit | Business | City of Huntington


Handyman Business Information

Business License Application

1. Examples of allowable handyman services include minor repairs, changing out windows and doors, painting, lawn care services, roof repair, and assembling storage buildings.

  • Handymen can repair or install electrical, plumbing, or HVAC if they have their HVAC certification, individual certification of a master or journeyman plumber, and/or their master electrical certification through the Fire Marshal’s office.  
  • Work performed on a residential project under $5,000 or a commercial project under $25,000 (materials and labor, total contract - not just the work you are performing) does not require a license, other than a West Virginia Business Registration Certificate and Huntington Business License.
  • Projects that are or above these amounts require you to obtain a WV Contractor License for the type of work being contracted and/or subcontracted or performed.
  • For more information on approved Handyman services contact the Permit Technician at 304-696-5540 ext. 2003.

2. All handymen need to obtain a Huntington Business License before conducting business in the city limits.

  • The Business License is $20.00 per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
  • Business License Applications are accepted by email, mail, or in person.
  • Licensing requirements are based on the total contract for the project, not just the individual portions.
  • Anyone assisting with a project who is not an employee will need a business license and will follow the same Handyman requirements.

3. You will need to provide the following documentation when applying for a business license:

  • A copy of your WV Business Registration Certificate from the WV State Tax Department.
  • If you live in Huntington city limits a Home Occupation Permit is needed.
    • If you do not own your home you will need the landlord’s signature on the Home Occupation Application.

4. All handymen will need to file a Business and Occupation (B&O) Tax Return.

  • When a building permit is issued for a project the B&O Tax is filed under the contractor classification which is 2% of the gross receipts on labor and materials.
  • For projects and services not needing a building permit (ex. lawn care services), the B&O Tax will be filed under the service classification which is .5% of the gross receipts.
  • You will need to list your Project Name, Location, and Gross Income on the back of the return (Schedule C).
  • Make sure to indicate on the form if there is no reportable activity during the filing period and return by the due date to avoid unnecessary delinquent notices.

5. City Service Fee (CSF) will need to be withheld from the owner and any employees’ paychecks.

  • The fee is $5.00 per week for every week worked inside city limits.
  • CSF is required to be collected for each employee for every week that the employee has worked inside city limits regardless of the amount of time worked each week.

6. WV Sales and Use Tax is 7% inside city limits.

  • For more information contact the WV State Tax Department at 1-800-982-8297.

The City of Huntington Boundary Map allows you to enter an address on the top left-hand search bar and see if the address is within city limits. If the address comes up green then it is within city limits.

The City of Huntington requires all persons desiring to perform contracting work within city limits to be licensed with the City of Huntington to ensure capable and skilled craftsmanship utilized in construction projects in this state, both public and private, and fair bidding practices between competing contractors through uniform compliance with the laws of this city and state, and protection of the public from unfair, unsafe and unscrupulous bidding and construction practices.

Article 1711.05 Permit Required "Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit."

Complete and return the Building Permit Application to the Permitting Office.

  • Submit in person: City of Huntington, 800 5th Avenue Room 100, Huntington, WV 25701, or by email to permits@huntingtonwv.gov.

For questions about building permits please contact Kim Estep, Permit Technician at permits@huntingtonwv.gov.

Building Permit Application

For additional information please contact:

City of Huntington

Business and Licensing:  304.696.5540 press option 4
Inspections and Permits:  304.696.5540 press option 2
Zoning:  304.696.5540 press option 3

State Agencies

WV State Tax Department:  1-800-982-8297
WV Division of Labor:  (304) 558-7890